I have been addicted to the internet and social networking sites since I got started with my friendster way back high school years. Then came facebook, multiply, twitter, myspace, linkedin, GooglePlus whichever started first, and now the latest is Pinterest. and I have skype too! I am not totally active in all mentioned sites but I keep and account in each of them except linkedin, with which I am planning to create one just so I can update my whereabouts regarding my profession and other career-related stuff. Two months ago, I thought of imposing some sort of disciplinary measures and deactivated my facebook and pondered on these:
- It was cool. I was able to divert my attention to other sites with more sense. haha. I was able to study more and focus on other more important things. I get to watch my favorite tv series online and other teen-flick and romantic comedies I have saved in my hard disk for a long time, and I have started blogging again.
- Only a few remembered my birthday. Though I was not expecting much from people and even from close friends, it was still amazing reading text messages from friends and colleagues who actually remembered me that day. It was even more overwhelming answering calls from relatives greeting me that day. Without facebook to remind them, that was pretty awesome!
- I got to seclude myself from annoying updates from people practically having topics with no sense at all. ha! But still, I have an open mind to stat expressing opinions, ideals, concept and the like. I don't know how I'm gonna describe the kind of stat I really really don't want to read, just three words - not my type :D
- I am not claiming to have detractors but I just don't like people who uses facebook to gossip around so when I came back, removed some and blocked some too. I am not expecting for them to understand, they are entitled to their own reaction/opinion/annoyance as much as I do.
- I have to reactivate it when one of my superior asked me: "Do you have a facebook account? just in case we'd prefer to communicate with you through fb?" And I was like, "Oh I had it deactivated, I can reactivate it anytime though". Real ouch. So he decided to have it on skype and I kept thinking I have to reactivate my facebook because yeah, it's a lot useful and convenient at times.
- I'm the only one in the family without facebook then and so I could not relate with all their communication stuff since Papa is working overseas and then most of my relatives, cousins are hooked up in facebook, even my little pamangkins. haha
- I miss my friends too, those people I usually connect with through facebook, I miss commenting and liking stuff and I miss posting stats and check ins!
- My timeline got cut. tsk tsk. When I came back, there's a huge blank already, or like a vortex of two months.
Now that I am back, aside from unfriending people I don't want to just follow my daily tasks and whatnot on facebook, I have also hidden some stats and updates from individuals I am not really a fan of. Well, I still consider myself entitled to such privilege of removing anyone I simply don't like, not the person of course, but the attitude she/he has. *smiles*
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